Monday, November 13, 2006

Mostly Work

Yesterday at work wasn't so bad. There were a couple of moments where the lobby was so full of people I was starting to get a headache from the sheer noise of it, but then it would empty out and everything would be quiet again.

Shortly after I clocked on, one of the managers asked me to help out with a walk-in (a large group never showed up for their sitting, so we had a couple of free appointments). I was more than happy to, that is until I found out how many people were in that sitting.

Eight children. All two years old and younger. I can almost say that without screaming now.

At first only a couple of the kids were crying (their attention spans were--wait, what was that?), but that was all it took to start a nice chain-reaction. Pretty soon all the kids were either crying or staring up at nothing with a blank look on their faces. The photographer and I discovered what a wonderful thing the bubble machine is at work. We usually use the bubbles for birthday pictures and stuff like that, but this time we used it to get the kid's attention for longer than--wait, there it is again.

We got some really cute pictures, but a couple of the moms were being really picky about having all the kids looking at the camera at the same time. There was one that was really close (only two of the kids were looking away), but no one liked it. I'm pretty sure they left without getting a reshoot (in other words, they settled for what they got), and I'm almost positive they actually bought something (most of the time our walk-ins come in with a free sheet coupon, and that's all they want. Sometimes they come in with a couple of coupons and try to use both of them at the same time, which we can't do).

The day finished pretty good, but a little late. I didn't get home until about a quarter to nine, and I still had to eat dinner and talk to Himself about his day. It made for a very early morning this morning.



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