Thursday, November 09, 2006

Class registration

I've signed up for my classes, and I'm all set for next quarter. I'm signed up for the photo-lighting class and yet another math class. This next math class is the first one I actually get credit for, and it's the next to the last math class I have to take to be done with math for my degree. Just how many times can I say 'math' in one sentence?

Himself did not get paid for his vacation yet, so we have to put off our plans for a lunch or dinner together (to celebrate our anniversary) another week or so. Sucks, but that's the way it is. He's planning on going to his home-store and finding out what exactly happened today, so hopefully we'll have some good news soon.

This weekend is totally booked at work. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday totally filled up with people still trying to get in. When this happens, the only thing we can do is tell people to come in as a walk-in and hopefully we can get them in ASAP. Sometimes this works, the walk-ins understand that we're busy, sometimes though, the people get really agitated and storm away. That's okay. We don't need them anyway. ;o)

Hopefully I'll still find time to go Christmas shopping soon. I'm one of those people who like to get that sort of thing done as early as possible, since I hate shopping when there are huge crowds every where.



Blogger groovyoldlady said...

What types of math are you taking and just what degree are you aiming for?

Formal photos. My girls will NOT do them. They absolutely will NOT smile for some strange lady with a stuffed duck on their head. No way, no how, no time. It saves us money, but I miss the nice portraits.

Oh well, they pose like CRAZY for us, so we gets loads of informal shots and some of those are quite good!

3:31 PM  
Blogger groovyoldlady said...

Um...that's "some strange lady with a duck on HER head". Sheesh!

3:32 PM  
Blogger Morrigan Le Fey said...

At work we used to have to where beanies with little propellers on them. Some of the kids were afraid of them, so the company changed the dress code.

The degree I'm going for just my Associate of Arts. After that I'm going for my Batchlors of Fine Arts. I might go for my Major if I decide to teach.

The math I've been taking is just algebra and a little geometry. Pretty basic stuff, but I failed the math portion of the Compass test, so I have to take the basic math first.

5:55 PM  

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