Wednesday, November 01, 2006


So, I'm not sure if I'm an official participant of NaBloPoMo, but I think I'll do it anyway. This should prove interesting since I don't have daily access to a really fast computer. Right now I'm in the internet cafe at the Mini Manor complex, and the internet connection isn't really fast.

Himself and I are taking it pretty easy today, since we never have a full day off together. Usually I have to be in school, but today is some kind of inservice day, so no one is there except the teachers.

I'm probably going to pick out my classes for next quarter later today. I think I'm going to take the lighting class this coming quarter, and probably another math class. I would like to take another P.E class, but I don't need very many of those for my degree.

Well, really quick post today. Himself is tired, and we both want to go to his parent's house later to visit them.



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