Thursday, November 16, 2006

Day 16

Today was pretty slow, except for the fact that I slept through my alarm and didn't make it to class this morning. I'm going to talk to my Kick-Boxing instructor to see if there is anything I can do to make up the day. I still worked out at home, but nothing as tiring as Kick-Boxing.

Himself was on his way to his meat cutting class, and I was expecting a pretty quiet night in, that is until I heard my cell phone ring and he was calling me from a store not far from the Mini Manor. His truck died on the freeway (according to him, it just sputtered, lost speed and died) on his way to Seattle, so I had to pick him up and drive him to the truck-doctor to find out what was the cause of death. We both think his truck died of internal bleeding (there was an internal oil leak somewhere), and choking (the oil was dripping onto the air filter). Hopefully this will be a somewhat cheap fix, but probably not. The really ironic thing was Mom and I were talking about Himself and his truck maintenance (or actually, lack thereof) yesterday.

Well, I don't have much time left, so I must sign it off here.



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