Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Finally, A Picture of the Girls!

This is Little Princess, looking very Princess-like. She is very much the Lady of the Household, but she pretends to let me have that title. It makes me feel better. ;o)

This is Miss Thang (the top picture). Sometimes in the dark, she looks like an Ocelot. We also call her our Monkey-Meerkat (she's kind of odd). Since I'm not tech-savvy at all, the pictures aren't quite where I wanted them, but at least they're here! Thanks Mom for your help!


P.S They're only sweet when you don't live with them all the time.


Blogger Karen said...

Oh, my grandkitties! What sweet, sweet girls they are.

Thank you for sharing them.

6:56 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

um, ok, I just noticed something... a typo... oh, the word is spelled correctly, it's just the wrong one. "their" instead of "they're." Fix it or you're grounded.

9:48 PM  
Blogger Morrigan Le Fey said...

Sorry. I'll fix it now.


7:38 PM  

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