Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Late Night/Early Morning Update

Finished the FINAL Harry Potter book in about 3 days, and cried quite a few times. Not because it was the final book, but because of some of the things that happen in it.

Himself and I took Tall Friend (she introduced Himself and I to each other many moons ago) to the Highland Games and Clan Gathering a couple of days ago (it rained for the second year in a row) and met up with several other friends there. Tall Friend had only been to the games once before, so she was happy to spend most of the day sitting around listening to music (which was good, since we spent most of our day doing just that). Another friend, New Mommy (well, not that new since her daughter is almost 4 now) met up with us and her sweet (painfully shy) daughter and I danced to the Wicked Tinkers during their last set. I'm still a little sore from that! New Mommy's daughter, Hyper Child, had a thing about turning around in counter-clockwise circles fast enough that her feet would leave the ground. I got so dizzy after about the 10th time doing this that I plopped down next to New Mommy until the next song started up. I love the Tinkers!

Work has been getting better, but I think that's because the girl who wants my job hasn't worked in about a week due to a bout of shingles, and I'm on 'vacation' this week. Himself and I have three days together, and after that I'm probably off to the Southern Kingdom for a few days. I'm still not sure if I really want to go, but I probably will.

Well, I'm finally feeling tired, and I still have to figure out a way to get videos submitted to Youtube.


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Random news

Himself, the Cousin and myself all went to the Midnight Madness for the final Harry Potter book the other night. Himself and I finished the book already (I cried so many times. Yeah, I'm a baby), and it has a very satisfying ending.

We've been house-hunting for a couple of weeks now, and we found one we really like (granted we've only seen one house, but it's pretty nice). It's very small on the outside, but not bad on the inside. Pretty much anything would be bigger that where we live now. We just need to get pre-approved to find out how much we can actually spend on our house and then we'll be on the lookout for something nice (for a first home).

Short post today, just got off work and I'm beat. I think I'm going to take a bubble bath now...