Sunday, November 09, 2008

Ahh High School...

I find high school kids to be more amusing everyday. I recently worked a fashion show (run by students who have never stepped foot into the theatre except to listen to a speaker, let alone run a show of any sort) for the fashion industries class. They had all these GREAT ideas in their heads...

Unfortunately none of them either worked in our SMALL theatre, nor did they stay the same for any given amount of time. It was kind of like herding cats with A.D.H.D.

The night of the show, I wasn't feeling well, so I stayed home. My replacement was told what to do (she had to push a button to skip to the next track on the cd player. Not a hard job.), and she was able to enjoy much of the show. The girl next to her, who had never even seen a light board (so we attempted to make it real easy on her and just told her to push ONE button) let alone run one turned to my co-worker and pointed out that she noticed that none of us wears makeup. We don't because no one is supposed to see us if we do our jobs right, and most of the time we would end up sweating it off before too long anyway.

The fashion student then asked 'does the makeup interfere with the electrical equipment?'

Now if I had been there, I totally would have said yes. My co-worker was just too shocked to say much of anything at first. Then she managed a squeeky 'no' before switching the track.

This is the same fashion student that I told about four times which button she had to push on the light board to make the lights come up. Then I had to explain to her that the button she had to push only ran her board because the boards weren't interchangable. I would have had fun with her, but I needed to feel better first.

For more recent news, Himself finally got a new car. His old one was totalled in a car accident in early October (he had the right of way, but the other driver didn't seem to think so), and after one car-ing it for about three weeks, he finally has a two year old Monte Carlo. It's a nice car and he should have it paid off in about five years, but probably sooner. The other driver seems to be in the wind now. He stopped and talked to the police, but no one has heard from him since. The insurance company that he said he had a policy from has no record of his name or policy number, and the guy's uncle had never heard of the registered owener of the car. Fanfreakingtastic.

A month later, I got into a car accident (I wasn't driving), and my friend's car was totalled. The good thing about that accident is that it got the guy we hit arrested. He apparently had a warrent out for his arrest and he was hauled away. His wife was not so happy. My friend is pretty sure the wife is going to try to sue, but we're not sure for what. Yes we hit them, but we weren't there when he did whatever it was that got the warrent. People are funny sometimes. Okay maybe not.

Pretty much until the end of the month is going to be hectic. Fun, but very hectic. Lots of work, which is fabulous, and there is a small chance I'll be promoted. Very small chance, but it's there. We're really short on leads right now, so the PTB finally decided that it was time to promote and hire. Yea us! Doesn't mean lots more hours, but it does mean slightly more consistant hours. Not only that, but I might get my church gig back. I kind of like those guys. They're funny.

That's all for now


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