Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I feel better now

After much therapy of angry chick music and a liberal doses of vanilla ice cream, coffee (not at the same time) and Age of Empires (destroying entire settlements while making my own thrive. It's a good thing I've never had that kind of power in reality, things may get ugly), I finally feel slightly human again. There are still some things that set me off, but I'm getting used to having to pay for my own coffee.

Big Green friend of Himself and I promised to get us wood for this winter, since he has a ton of it (Himself got a big kick out of that, he has such a dirty mind sometimes), and nothing to do with it (Shut up, you! Stop that laughing!). He told me to call him sometime and bring my truck over and he'll fill the back up with all kinds of wood (by now Himself is having a grand time rolling on the floor laughing so hard tears are starting to squeeze out of his eyes) and everything we need for a nice warm winter, since I hate turning on the heat because it's so expensive.

Himself and I went to the Trans Siberian Orchestra concert on Monday, and I have only one thing to say about it: OH MY GOD!!!!!!! I think it was one of the best concerts we've been too, well worth the crappy seats and the bad sound quality of the Arena (all the speakers face the floor, so the best sound is where the most expensive seats are). We had hoped to take his parents, but due to the lack of funds, and the fact that we waited too long to get the tickets, there weren't four seats together. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but we figured that they might actually want to sit with us (not sure why, they just spent a whole week with us). At the concert, there was fire (controlled, since it was part of the show), and lots of screaming fans, which sounds weird since it was an orchestra concert, but it has a more rock feel than your typical orchestra. They do this version of Carol of the Bells that seriously has got to be the best I've ever heard. It starts out with God Rest You Merry Gentlemen on a single cello, then it goes into Carol of the Bells with electric guitars, drums, and about five keyboards. Totally rocks!!!

well, I think that's about it. Nothing has happened except I totally annihilated one of my enemies on Age of Empires (okay, so i cheated a little, I still beat them), and made the other one cry like a little baby. Okay, so its a really good thing I wasn't around back then, or had power, because I would have made Khan look like a sissy.


Monday, November 28, 2005

Curses, foiled again

Had a wonderful Thanksgiving, except for the stress of thinking that I had to write three papers by Monday, and get everything ready to put together another creative assignment because I missed so many days of class due to my trip to Poland. Lo and behold, I walk into class (a little late because I had to print out the paper I thought was due today for that class, and the library doesn't open until 7 which happens to be the time my class starts), and the paper isn't due until Wednesday! Oh well, at least I got it done before hand, and now I can focus on the important thing: finding a new job.

Yes, that's right, folks. After over a year of changing my schedule around for this job, and doing my absolute best to keep the stupid cart up and running, I was falsely accused of stealing. According to the owner, she had 'several' people (in one day) tell her that they didn't see me ringing up all the sales, which doesn't come as a surprise to her since on Wednesday (that would be the day before Thanksgiving, where everyone is at home cooking, not wasting time at the mall), I only made $16 in the evening, while the other girl (hereby known as the...Never mind. I can't think of anything nice enough to put on the web, and some of the things I think she is would shock most people) made over $100. She didn't stop to think that maybe that's because everyone is at home after 2 pm cooking and getting ready for Thursday! Not only that, but the other girl has had months of complaints about her sub-par coffee skills (but she don't need to be teached. Her own words), and her rude attitude towards anyone who inconveniences her (which is just about every customer who doesn't tip her, or a fellow employee who just wants their hours back). No. I'm the one who gets canned after no warning or anything. I certainly hope the other girl is happy now that she has all the hours, and I hope she collapses from all the work, since according to her she still has another job (I really think she got fired though because of her attitude...Or her lack of spelling ability). BEHOLD MY WRATH!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, I feel a little better now.


Wednesday, November 23, 2005

So I was wrong

okay, so I thought it was at night, so sue me. Perhaps its because its such a dark day for me (I do feel bad for those people who's mailbox was nearly accosted though), I think of it happening at night.

quick post, must hike all the way to the math building from the nice warm library for class so I can turn in homework. Also that quiz that the Lady of the Classroom is holding over my head... Ugg. As much as I enjoyed my vacation, getting back into school is such a pain.


Tuesday, November 22, 2005


When my mom told me about this site, I was amused that she had (or even knew about) a blog. Whenever she writes a new entry in it, she reads it to me much to my amusement, and so now, I think that some of the stories deserve my point of view.

See, I am Ms. Karen's Spawn. And, yes, that first time she took me out driving was also the last, and to this day, i really don't like driving when she's in the car with me. To my defense, that night was dark when i almost hit the mail box, and mom was able to read those nice people's mail (well, I don't actually know how friendly they were, but I get the feeling that they wouldn't be all that nice if I hit their mail box), and i didn't see the pothole that probably could have hidden a mack truck deep in its depths and still have room to spare, and the shouting didn't help. Okay, I guess I don't have much of a defense other than I was still learning, and Driver's Ed was really boring. But Mom took me out driving again, only a couple of months ago. When she got a new car, she picked out a beautiful red manual suv, and I happened to mention that I have always wanted to learn how to drive a manual transmission. She took me out driving, and after much lurching around parking lots, I finally got the hang of stopping and then moving again without killing the car. Mom keeps saying that it was a horrible experience for her, but I really was getting the hang of it. I don't really have any other available stick-shifts around, and Himself (Mom's Stun-in-Law) keeps saying that he wants a stick-shift (kind of makes me wonder sometimes), but has done nothing about it. That could be because we just got back from a week-long trip to Poland, and we really don't have the funds to buy a new car (or even one that has seen better days, unless someone has a car out there for about $5.90, which is about what I have in my pocket right now) car dealerships would laugh us off the lot if we told them how much we had for a down payment (there's that $5.90 again), so all in all, if Mom wants me to learn how to drive her car, then she's going to have to let go of the mailbox incident and start out with a clean slate when it comes to my driving and her opinion of it (a clean slate that will be promptly marred by much more lurching around parking lots).