Friday, January 06, 2006

Oh my God!

So I went to my first photo class of the quarter, and even though I knew that it was going to be a lot harder than the first one, I really wasn't expecting this: We have a new assignment due every week! I guess it's not all that hard, but when I start working again, it'll just mean that I'll be living in the darkroom for awhile.

Big Green Friend gave Himself and I about half a ton of wood since his mom is moving and has no need for any of it. Himself told me that BGF nearly cried when he saw how much room I didn't have in my truck (I have cinder blocks in the back for weight), but they loaded it up as high as they could. My cousin helped us move all the wood from my truck to our appartment, and as soon as we got it all loaded up, the weather started warming up a little. Figures. It doesn't really matter anyway, most of the wood was too wet to burn anyway. Probably by the time it all dried out, it would be summer, and we would have no use for the fireplace.

well, short post again.


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