Friday, March 31, 2006

Spring is here!

Spring has finally sprung! Mom calls it the bi-polar season, and I have to agree. For a little while we'll have brilliant sun, not a cloud in the sky, the next minute we're having a downpour on par with the great flood from the bible. Right now it's sunny with a bunch of really fluffy clouds, but there are some rather dark ones off in the distance.

Himself and I held a meeting with Cousin. We talked about Cousin's possible move across the country and what he should do to prepare for it. Mom and I were talking about driving the moving van and then flying back, but it all depends on when Cousin was hoping to move.

I have decided that this year I'm going to have a balcony garden, since I've been having really good luck with the shamrock that Himself gave me as a St. Paddy's gift and the lily I bought. The lily is doing really well, and the shamrock seems really happy. I want to do lavender and rosemary, and maybe some basil or something. It's not much, but I figure it would be best to start out small since I am death to plants (and fish. I can't keep either one alive for very long).

Miss Thang and Little Princess are getting along a lot better now, especially since Little Princess is learning that Miss Thang isn't beating her up to be mean, she's just playing. The problem is that Little Princess is learning how to play, but she's so much larger than Miss Thang, and she hits so much harder. You can actually hear Little Princess's paws hit Miss Thang. Pretty impressive, but no so much at 3 in the morning, and both cats are rearranging the apartment during their boxing matches. Mom says not to worry about it, since Furry Beasts #1 and 2 still try to beat each other up, and they've been in the same house for several years now.

Well, that's all for now.



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