Wednesday, March 15, 2006


One of the things I hate the most are cowards. People who can't grow up and take chances.

My best friend from high school has a boyfriend who decided to join Americorps. All he had to do was give them a 10 month commitment for training, and then he was pretty much free to go. He was put on the wait-list, and for several months he waited for news. When he was finally informed that he would be going, he told my best friend, and they talked about what they were going to do when he flew across the country for his training. Preparations were made, and the time came for him to get on the plane and fly away for almost a year. My friend was going through quite a roller coaster whenever the topic of her boyfriend leaving came up. She didn't want him to go, but she didn't feel she could talk to him about her feelings. This was a huge step for him, and I had a huge amount of respect for him. He was taking everything in stride like an adult, making hard decisions and basically acting like a grown-up. His dream had been to be an UN ambassador, and that made me feel like my best friend had finally picked a good guy. She didn't want to travel (she has the imagination of a blade of grass), but she supported his dream and helped him get ready for his trip.

They got to the airport, and he decided that he was too scared to leave, so he turned around and left. After giving his word that he would be on that plane, he chickened out. I have lost all respect for him, and after telling my friend about this, she got on my case as to why I didn't join Americorps and give them a commitment. I was very calm in telling her why I didn't just drop everything and join, but she dug deeper. I called her boyfriend a childish coward, and informed her that I have no patience for cowards. She doesn't seem to realize that if he backed out of a 10 month commitment, there is a very strong chance that he'll back out of a life long commitment (they had been talking about their future together).

There are several types of cowards, and all of them are guttless children (regardless of age) who can't grow up. One of the other kinds of cowards are the people who can't handle criticism. They are the people who jump down people's throats when one little thing is picked apart. These are the cowards who point their fingers at someone else and lay the blame on them. People who can't take the bad with the good, and make sure that the only thing that other people hear about them is positive. I have encountered these cowards, and all I ever want to say to them is 'get over yourself! If people are saying negitive things about you, then either they have their own issues, or there really is something about you that needs changing!'

Now that I've ranted a bit, I have a final paper to write.



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