Friday, March 24, 2006


Despite the fact that it's a little late for making new year's resolutions, I have decided to make a few, and here they are/

I resolve to be a better wife to Himself. I will try not to snap at him as often as I normally do.

I resolve to drop the weight I gained after the wedding. I worked hard to drop it then, and I will work hard to loose it again.

I resolve to read more classic books. I read Pride and Prejudice during the trip to Poland, and started reading Emma, but I want to read more. Himself amuses his need for reading with books about Plato, Dante, the Crusades, pretty much anything historical. I read things by Kim Harrison, Laurell K. Hamilton, Charleen Harris, and Mary Janice Davidson.

And finally, I resolve to watch more movies that Himslf wants to see, with the exception of V for Vandetta (I have an extreme fear of people in full masks. I don't know why, I think it goes along with my clown fear. I wonder if there is a techincal term for a fear of masks? Mardi Gras masks don't scare me, but most other full face masks do). Despite the fact that Himself and my cousin have both told me that the movie is really good, I just can't get past the talking, unholy mask.



Blogger Karen said...

Very noble resolutions. Definitely worth keeping.

4:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your resolutions. :) Reading things with more history in them can really help in opening up conversations with your hubby. I too want to read the books you have and are reading. :)

5:23 AM  

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