Last I checked, the purpose of a library was for quiet studying/sleeping (at least the library at my school is used for those things). People who talk in loud voices while no one else is talking are so rude.
What brings this little tirade on you might ask? The people next to me and across from me are having a loud conversation. I should have seen the signs when the first person sat down and proceeded to call out to someone on the other side of the nice, quiet library. Then the next person sat down, and they started talking about something. Finally two more people sat down and started having a conversation. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind quiet talking, but when your conversation is known to all the people sitting near you (people who really don't want to hear about your new moisturizer or the best brand of lip gloss), it's too loud. That's why many people are at the computers, so they can e-mail their friends and gossip all they want. Sure it may seem pathetic to e-mail the person across from you (or right next to you), but at least it means you're having a semi-private conversation.
Another talking gripe this college has (or that I have with this college) is in the afternoon (the library's busiest time with people using the computers) when people are all sitting at a computer, but they're not using it. This is especially bad around finals when people are trying to type out their final papers. Computers not being used are occupied by people talking to other people. Either that, or they're being used to play games on. I have seen people using a computer during finals to play some on-line game with about five other people in the library. ARGGHHH! All I wanted to do was type up my paper and be done with it, but no, the games must be played.
Okay, I feel better now that I've griped a little.
P.S. My first print for the final project got rave reviews. A lot of the people said that it was the best print they'd seen this year. Yea me!