I was just asked not to post any comments on a blog, and the author informed me that she 'knows me'. Actually for the sake of anonymity, no one on Blogger knows who I am. They may have my location, but not who I am. The only thing I have revealed is that I am Ms. Karen's Spawn.
I was shocked to read that she 'knew who I was', and that since I disagreed with her point of view on a couple of things, she felt the need to 'ban' me from her main site. As I know she is the subject of several flame-wars, I refuse to reveal her name, or her blog, but I refuse to take all this lying down! Not only that, but enough people (the important ones) already know who she is. I'm sure I'll be bombarded with hateful comments (either here on my blog, or on hers if she feels the need to check me out again, or send her own band of loyal lemmings to do her dirty work for her), but the comments will not hurt me in any way.
Yngathrrt, a fellow blogger (sorry, I can't figure out how to get a link to your blog, but I'll figure it out sooner or later ;o)) is also the victim of this other blogger, and she also refuses to back down. Good for you! I think if enough people would tell her to back off and stop playing the victim, then just maybe she'll get the hint and go away. Not likely, but we can hope.
According to this person's blog, I am the kind of parent who beats my children. I DO NOT believe in beating children, and by a 'firm hand' I mean laying down the law and not backing down. NOT spanking. She went on to ASSUME that I meant spanking when I mentioned a 'firm hand'. Well, we all know what assuming gets you. Nowhere.
So now I have been blacklisted, and all I can do is laugh. She has no idea what a fool she has made herself, and she never will. She has her head up her butt too far to see the light, and all she can do is complain about the smell.