I recently got contacts again (the last time I wore them was in high school, and they were the hard kind), and have been enjoying life without glasses (although I still wear them to work since I'm still not used to the contacts being in yet. I wear them all day on my days off, and I usually put them in after work). I plan on getting my hair cut probably on Wednesday (my hair goes down to almost my lower back right now, and I plan on cutting it so it skims the tops of my shoulders). I like to change my look every once in a while, and right now just feels right. I've let some personal changes happen (Big Green Friend is no longer apart of my social circle), so now a change in everything feels good.
Speaking of change, then nights are getting longer, and there is a slight bite to the night air. Fall is definitely on the way, and I can't wait! Autumn is one of my favorite seasons (the colors, the crisp leaves on the ground) which is why Himself and I got married in October, the very heart of Fall. My quarter starts up soon (just a couple more weeks of being able to stay up late and sleep in the next morning), and hopefully it won't be as hard as I think it will be.
No photography this quarter (as I've already written, I'm taking a math class and a Kickboxing class), but I'm going to tell the head of the photography department about my project, so hopefully he'll let me use the lab anyway. I might have to pay the lab fee, but that's okay. So far, I have three photos mapped out (technically four, since I already had Death done), and I'm hoping to start shooting them soon. I told Little Sis (my main model, since I have regular access to her) that I want to start with The Magician and The High Priestess before school starts up again so I have something to do on my days off (and so I can show them to the head of the photo dept.)
Not much else has been happening. Miss Thang gets fixed on Wednesday (she went into heat again the day before I was going to take her in last time), Little Princess is still a moody teen, Himself is working almost 50 hours next week (the payday will be good, but he is going to be one tired puppy), and work has been picking up (school starting, the holidays coming up, people wanting to get family portraits before members leave for home, ect). I've been working a steady 30 or so hours a week, with only two days off. We're both pretty tired.
The Fair is coming up next week, but Himself and I will probably go the week after that. We might bring some friends (so I have someone to ride the rides with. Himself will only go on the roller coaster with me a couple of times before he's done for the year), since that's what we do, but we're not sure.